

Message from the President

Dear cherished Members of the Society,

Hello! On behalf of the 39th Council, I welcome you. To those who are long-timers, I thank you for your continuing support, and to those newcomers, welcome again! Having been a member of this Society for many years, I can assure you that you have made a wise decision in joining our Society.

The Malaysian Plant Protection Society was established in 1976 aiming to serve as a platform to discuss and generate knowledge pertaining to plant protection in Malaysia, and to disseminate such knowledge effectively. Through meetings, seminars and publication like this newsletter, our society has a wide reach, bridging the very related but oft separated scientific, industrial, government and grassroots communities. The success of our commitment is reflected in the growing number and diversity of the Society’s members.

Going forward the Society aims to further consolidate its organization and contribution to the society through various activities planned from time to time. Last but not least, I hope we will meet in future MAPPS activities. Together, let’s grow MAPPS to its true potentials and be the flag-bearers of plant protection in Malaysia!

Thank you.

MAPPS 39th Council

12th ICPPT Announcement

Dear Participants of the 12th ICPPT 2024,

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all participants for their valuable contributions and active engagement in this conference. Your participation has been integral to the success of the 12th ICPPT Conference, and we are grateful for your time, effort, and insights. We hope this conference has been a rewarding experience for you, as it has been for us, and we look forward to welcoming you again at the 13th ICPPT in 2026.

Please note that e-certificates will be issued once payment has been confirmed.

– 12th ICPPT Secretariat 2024

For more conference info visit the 12th ICPPT conference page